Friday 12 December 2008

My final classes

I gave up instructing this week. It was a hard and unwelcome decision for me, but my health had to come first.

I've had classes for around 10 years. First I taught aerobics and then just over 7 years ago I started pilates classes. The pilates classes were so popular that I decided to concentrate on them. I took 6 classes a week, running them back to back on 3 evenings a week.

I really enjoyed it. I always had a great group of participants, many of whom were still with me this week. There was always lots of laughing mingled in with the hard work. Over the years I became good friends with my ladies and gentlemen and I hope we'll keep in touch in the future.

The last classes were very emotional for me. Lots of people gave me cards and presents. I had to put them in my bag until I got home, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it together if I started looking at them. I shed a few tears on the way home. When I read my cards they were very touching. I didn't really know how much I was appreciated until that moment. More crying.....

Thank you to all my groups I'll definitely miss seeing you and keeping up with all the gossip.